Horticulture - BA

This degree blends the concepts of horticultural sciences with the proven benefits of plant-human interaction. The students obtain the skills for preparing arrangements for various occasions, including everyday celebrations, weddings, funerals, and special events, by integrating the aesthetic and emotion-evoking aspects into floral masterpieces that resonate on a personal level. This degree offers students the choice of pairing a horticulture degree with electives in social sciences, business, agricultural journalism, education, art, and design. The requirement of a minor of the student's choosing from outside of horticulture provides an opportunity for training in a complementary secondary area of emphasis. Employment opportunities include constructing educational programs for school gardens, preparing one for certification to teach in public schools, marketing and managing horticultural operations, sociohorticulture, agricultural journalism, planning gala events, operating floral shops, or pursuing advanced degrees. Graduates work in exciting and dynamic environments, including interior design firms, corporate settings, educational institutions, event and wedding planning companies, freelance entrepreneurial work, the hospitality industry, online floral services, theater and film production, museums, and cultural institutions.