Telecommunication Media Studies - BS

Students who are fascinated by media and media applications choose the Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Media Studies (TCMS). The BS in TCMS  features a specialized study of telecommunication, media and quantitative systems. Students select communication courses that address media industries, law and policy, technology and society, media audiences, processes, and effects. The practice of media and acquisition of media skills are included. Students may customize this degree by selecting additional coursework to round out their particular media interests. The degree is supported with the study of research methods and quantitative concepts in statistics and research design.

Coursework for incoming Freshmen begins with a dedicated first semester experience which introduces them to the breadth of the field of communication and of media while also involving them in small groups and acquainting them with Texas A&M University, our resources and our opportunities. We also welcome Transfer students, meeting them where they are and integrating them into the Communication family.

A Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunication Media Studies works well in a broad variety of careers. Our students may become media designers, data analysts, digital media experts, online administrators, digital storytellers, content producers, filmmakers, digital media specialists, industry leaders, government officials, politicians, writers, artists, and informed citizens. The curriculum is designed to educate citizens for a productive future in an ever-changing world, preparing students for media-related positions in business, government, non-profit organizations, and higher education.

TCMS BS students will select a minor. They have the option to also select a certificate in Health Communication, Leadership and Conflict Management, Social Media, or Strategic Communication.