Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy - Certificate

The graduate-level certificate in Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy will prepare new and experienced professionals to effectively address complex legal and policy challenges facing tribal nations in the United States. Specifically, participants will be exposed to (i) important Federal and state laws, regulations and policies impacting indigenous peoples, and (ii) advances in theory and practice, as well as applications of law, regulation and policies through case studies via a module-based structure.

The certificate in Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy provides a curriculum with a focus on the unique issues facing indigenous peoples, which impact how legal policies are shaped and interpreted, and how economic and environmental factors are weighed. Courses are offered by asynchronous distance learning to provide a flexible schedule for working professionals. Interactive coursework includes case study assignments and regular interaction with classmates through zoom meetings, videos, audio casts, chat rooms, discussion boards, and group breakout sessions.

Prospective students have expressed interest in a graduate program designed for professionals, such as those working with tribal leadership and conducting business on behalf of or with tribes, that provides specialized legal training to position them to respond to the challenges and opportunities impacting the lives of indigenous peoples as well as the availability of resources to tribal nations. Individuals who complete the program will be able to synthesize scenarios and legal regulation in sectors dealing with issues involving indigenous populations, providing analysis or judgments for consideration to organizational leadership with a nuanced perspective.

This program is also approved for delivery via asynchronous distance education technology.