Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences

The Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program is an interdepartmental program of study awarding a Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).  Focusing on cross-disciplinary education in the biomedical sciences and the numerous associated domains of research, the faculty teach and mentor students in fields that have a critical mass of faculty, exceptional productivity, and international recognition.  Examples of these areas of strength include:

  • Biomedical Genomics and Bioinformatics
  • Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • Infection, Immunity, and Epidemiology
  • Physiology and Developmental Biology

A PhD in Biomedical Sciences provides an academic and research experience that educates students within the context of cross-disciplinary knowledge and prepares students to excel in a research career in areas as diverse as academia, government, industry, and others. Additional details, including information about the admissions process and curricular training tracks, can be found at

This program is approved to be offered on campus in College Station and for delivery via asynchronous or synchronous distance education technology at the Veterinary Education, Research, and Outreach (VERO) Center in Canyon, Texas.

Steps to Fulfill a Doctoral Program