EPSY - Educational Psychology
EPSY 602 Educational Psychology
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Cognitive analysis of academic skills and tests; current cognitive views of learning, memory, problem solving and development of skill and expertise; effects of aptitude, motivation and task environment on academic performance. Implications for assessment and instruction. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 603 Qualitative Methodologies in Educational Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Survey of qualitative research methodologies commonly used in educational research; purposes, epistemologies, data collection and analyses that distinguish different qualitative approaches to educational research; ethical and procedural challenges of collecting qualitative data in educational settings. Prerequisite: Master's level classification.
EPSY 604 Career Counseling in Schools
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Understanding the culturally competent career counseling theory, assessment and skills as applied to the diverse populations in schools. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 605 Effects of Culture, Diversity, and Poverty on Children and Youth
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Understanding of how the intersecting nature of culture, diversity, and poverty impact adjustment outcomes in children and youth; comprehension of our own belief systems; exploration of disparities in education and mental health across ethnically, culturally and social economically diverse groups; strategies for alleviating educational and mental health disparities. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 606 Motivation and Emotion for Optimal Learning and Performance
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Role of motivation and emotion in human learning and performance; major theories and empirical research relevant to motivation and emotional impacts of learning, performance, or functioning in a variety of situations, contexts, and cultures; content applied across multiple disciplines including education, counseling or therapeutic outcomes, achievement performance in school, art, music and sports. Prerequisite: EPSY 602 or approval of instructor; graduate classification.
EPSY 607 Understanding Research from a Consumer’s Perspective
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Introduction to skills, knowledge, and strategies for reading and interpreting research articles and reports; evaluation of the quality of such reports; becoming competent, critical readers and consumers of research in the Social Sciences. Prerequisites: Graduate classification.
EPSY 608 Foundations in Professional Coaching
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Coaching theory and praxis for personal, professional and leadership development; ethical practice in coaching; co-creating the coaching relationship; communicating effectively; cultivating learning and growth; adult learning and behavior change through coaching; theories and research in coaching; various models for coaching; self as a coach; development of skills for professional coaching, setting the foundation; co-creating the relationship; communicating effectively; cultivating learning and growth. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 609 Coaching Groups and Teams
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Ethics in coaching groups and teams; collective adult learning and behavior change through group and team coaching; theories and research in group and team coaching; various models for coaching groups and teams; self as a team coach; skill development for professional coaching; topics include ethical practice, coaching mindset, agreements, trust and safety, presence, active listening, and awareness; facilitates client growth; skill development in integrating team building, team facilitation, team training, team learning, and team coaching; coaching with systemic context awareness, collecting and using data. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; EPSY 608.
EPSY 610 Peer Coaching in PK-12
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Peer coaching in PK -12 culturally and linguistically diverse populations schools; ethics in coaching; coaching as a practice that increases instructional capacity of teachers; development of skills for professional coaching; setting the foundation; co-creating the relationship; communicating effectively; facilitating learning and results; fostering a culture that embraces learning, innovation, trust and collaboration; refining coaching presence, breaking resistance to coaching, onboarding teachers, use of data and evidence based strategies, conducting effective observations, providing effective modeling and feedback and helping others develop compelling goals. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; EPSY 608.
EPSY 618 Neurodevelopment and Genetic Disorders in Children
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Comprehensive coverage of a broad array of neurodevelopment and genetic disorders in children; emphasis on cognitive and emotional sequelae of these disorders and their relationship to medical, psychological, and educational interventions. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 621 Clinical Neuropsychology
Credits 3.
2 Lecture Hours.
2 Lab Hours.
Surveys brain-behavior relationships with an emphasis on understanding the brain as an interdependent, systemic network; administer and score the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 622 Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Principles of psychological testing applied to education; uses and critical evaluation of achievement and aptitude, interest, and personality tests and performance in educational settings. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 624 Creative Thinking
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Development of personal creativity across fields of endeavor; analysis of creative potential, including psychometric assessment; experience of methods for stimulating creative processing and productivity. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 625 Advanced Psychometric Theory
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Psychometric theory, planning, construction, analysis, and evaluation of written and performance tests; item analysis, norms, reliability, and validity (including factor analytic) studies; item response theory. Prerequisite: EPSY 640.
EPSY 627 Structured Personality Assessment in Counseling
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Personality evaluation using structured assessment instruments; variety of self-report personality inventories; the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Prerequisite: EPSY 622.
EPSY 630 Single-Case Experimental Design
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Teaches measurement, design, implementation, and analysis skills to conduct research with single-subject design; review and summarize the quality of single-case literature, plan and implement AB designs. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 631 Program Evaluation
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Learning of key evaluation skills such as establishing focus with client, posing evaluation questions, data collection techniques, designing for internal validity, data aggregation; scenario practice. Prerequisite: EPSY 635 or equivalent.
EPSY 632 Social and Emotional Development and Interventions
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Theoretical foundations of social and emotional development from early childhood through adolescence; review of current state of school-based interventions and social and emotional learning programs. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 633 Qualitative Research Design and Data Collection
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Introduction to qualitative designs used to answer educational, psychological, or social research questions; historical foundations, epistemologies and essential elements of prevalent qualitative research designs; methods of collecting qualitative data including interviews, naturalistic observation, participant-observation, and stimulated recall procedures. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 634 Educational Neuroscience
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Human learning form a biological perspective; fundamentals of genetics, neuroscience and the principles used to better understand the conditions in which brains develop and function optimally; biological substrates of emotions and motivation, as well as executive functions (e.g. working memory, attentional control) and skills related to language and mathematics; neuroscience and application to atypical learners; emotional, learning and other disorders that make learning and succeeding in educational contexts more challenging. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 635 Educational Statistics
Credits 3.
2 Lecture Hours.
3 Lab Hours.
Introduction to the theory and application of statistical methods in behavioral science research with emphasis on classroom applications.
EPSY 636 Techniques of Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Fundamental concepts and tools of research applied to psychological and educational problems; rationale of research, analysis of problems, library skills, sampling, appraisal instruments, statistical description and inference, writing the research report and representative research designs. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 637 Qualitative Grounded Theory Methodologies
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Methods of collecting qualitative data to answer educational or psychological questions using Grounded Theory methodologies; analysis and interpretation of data using Grounded Theory methodologies. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; EPSY 633 or EDCI 605, or equivalent introductory course in qualitative methods, or approval of instructor.
EPSY 639 Experimental Research Design in Educational Settings
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Design and implementation of field experiments or robust quasi-experiments in educational settings; linkages between research design and data analysis; measurement reliability and validity; ethics of research. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; EPSY 640 or equivalent; EPSY 636 or equivalent.
EPSY 640 Statistical Analysis in Educational Research I
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Preparation in data analysis techniques for experimental and non-experimental designs. Prerequisite: EPSY 636, HMGT 614, SPMT 690, KINE 690/HLTH 690 or HLTH 690/KINE 690.
EPSY 641 Statistical Analysis in Educational Research II
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Preparation in more advanced data analysis techniques for experimental and non-experimental designs. Prerequisite: EPSY 640.
EPSY 642 Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Principles and use of quantitative techniques for research integration in education and other behavioral disciplines; computer-based and branching literature searches, coding protocols, theory of effect size estimation, analysis and reporting. Prerequisites: EPSY 435 or STAT 651; EPSY 636 or equivalent; EPSY 640 or equivalent.
EPSY 643 Applied Multivariate Methods
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
This seminar presents various techniques for applied multivariate modeling of phenomena in educational psychology. Prerequisite: EPSY 640, EPSY 641 and EPSY 650 or approval of instructor.
EPSY 644 Histories of Psychology
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Comprehensive understanding of the histories, including theoretical foundations, pivotal contributions and contributors, within the field of psychology that have led to current conceptualizations and applied, professional practice of psychology. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 645 Creative Genius
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Analysis of patterns of development among highly creative individuals; required dramatic presentation on the life and accomplishments of a selected individual through the use of the soliloquy stage technique. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 646 Issues in Child and Adolescent Development
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Theoretical orientations, issues, research strategies and empirical findings of developmental psychology relevant to education. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 647 Lifespan Development
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Issues and models of studying lifespan development; research and theory of lifespan development; comprehensive and current foundation of lifespan development. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 648 Intelligence and Creativity
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Considers theory, research, methodologies and issues related to the definition, identification and assessment of intelligence, and assessment of intelligence and creativity; addresses theories of intelligence and creativity; methodologies and issues related to assessment of both; relationship between them; and frameworks for fostering creativity; considers implications/applications of theory and research on effective teaching practices for creativity.
EPSY 649 Introduction to Survey Design Methods in Educational Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Primary concepts of survey design methods in educational research; current knowledge about sources of error in surveys, sampling, instrumentation, field-testing, survey operations, nonresponse bias analysis and correction and primary and secondary analysis of survey data. Prerequisites: EPSY 435 or equivalent.
EPSY 650 Multiple Regression and Other Linear Models in Education Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Overview of basic and advanced topics in regression analysis; equal emphasis on developing procedural knowledge, statistical theory, research designs, and practical issues and methods using statistics in empirical research; basis of linear regression models and logistic regression models. Prerequisite: EPSY 641 or STAT 652 or SOCI 631; graduate classification.
EPSY 651 Theory of Structural Equation Modeling
Credits 3.
2 Lecture Hours.
3 Lab Hours.
Introduction to the theory and application of structural equation modeling. Prerequisite: EPSY 640 and EPSY 641 or STAT 650 and STAT 651; graduate classification.
EPSY 652 Theory of Hierarchical Linear Models
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Introduction to the theory and application of hierarchical linear models. Prerequisite: EPSY 640, EPSY 641 or STAT 651, STAT 652, or any equivalent courses; some knowledge on ANOVA and Multiple Regression; graduate classification.
EPSY 653 Advanced Structural Equation Modeling
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Advanced topics of structural equation models; includes exploratory factor analysis under the structural equation modeling framework, testing factorial invariance, structural equation models with categorical observed variables, multilevel structural equation models, latent growth models, and growth mixture models. Prerequisites: EPSY 651 and EPSY 652.
EPSY 654 Longitudinal Data Analysis
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Review of traditional approaches to longitudinal data analysis (e.g., MANOVA); consideration of newer approaches including multilevel modeling (MLM) and latent growth modeling (LGM) and their advantages in analyzing longitudinal data. Prerequisite: EPSY 651 and EPSY 652.
EPSY 655 Item Response Theory
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Advanced measurement topics in item response models; theoretical foundations and practical applications of IRT models; dichotomous and polytomous IRT models including Rasch model (IPL model), 2-PL model, 3-PL model, rating scale model, partial credit model, and graded response model; analysis based on each model illustrated using BILOG-MG, PARSCALE, and M-plus. Prerequisite: EPSY 625.
EPSY 656 Survey Instrument Development
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Experiences in developing instruments to measure cognition, attitude or behavior; issues and practices relating to construct specification, instrument design and administration; emphasis on analysis and summary of validity study data. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; EPSY 640 or equivalent.
EPSY 659 Practicum in Educating the Gifted and Talented
Credits 3.
1 Lecture Hour.
6 Other Hours.
(1-6).Theory and strategies for instruction and guidance of the gifted and talented through a supervised experience in a laboratory setting with gifted and talented children and/or adolescents. May be taken three times for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
EPSY 660 Single Case Experimental Design Research Methodology
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Teaches critical evaluation of single-case experimental design; development of logic models, socially significant research questions, and complex research designs; advanced topics in design, rigor, replication, reliability, validity and measurement in single-case experimental designs. Prerequisites: EPSY 635 and EPSY 636.
EPSY 661 Data Analysis for Single-Case Experimental Design in Educational Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Various data analysis techniques to obtain effect sizes for single-case experimental design (SCED), including nonoverlapping, standardized mean difference, and multilevel modeling (MLM) methods; SCED data analysis; SCED effect size calculation; meta-analysis of SCED data using MLM. Prerequisites: EPSY 641.
EPSY 671 Interpersonal Relationships and Children's Academic Outcomes
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Exploration of the role of children’s interpersonal relationships on their school engagement and academic performance; emphasis on parent-child, peer and teacher-student relationships across the formal schooling years (K-12). Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 673 Learning Theories
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Comprehensive study of classical and current learning theories; their significance to modern education. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 674 Foundations of Creativity
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Study of the knowledge and applications of research in the field of creativity, including creative people, creative processes, creative products, and the environment for nurturing creativity; role of creative thought and outside influences in innovation and problem-solving; formal and informal assessment of creativity. Prerequisites: Graduate classification.
EPSY 682 Seminar in...
Credit 1.
1 Other Hour.
Knowledge, skills and attitudes in special education, counseling, psychological foundations of education and school psychology. Specific topics are announced for each seminar offered. May be taken more than once but not to exceed 6 hours of credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; approval of instructor.
EPSY 683 Field Practicum in...
Credits 1 to 15.
1 to 15 Other Hours.
Supervised experience in professional employment settings in educational psychology. Wide range of practical experiences and activities as listed below that are closely supervised by departmental faculty. Repeatable to 15 hours total. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor and department head.
EPSY 684 Professional Internship
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Limited to advanced doctoral students; University-directed experience in a professional employment setting; full-time participation and responsibility in experiences related to career specializations in counseling or school psychology. Repeatable to 9 hours total.
EPSY 685 Directed Studies
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Directed individual study of selected problems. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 688/CPSY 688 Research Proposal Development
Credits 4.
3 Lecture Hours.
2 Lab Hours.
This seminar models the processes of developing and defending research proposals. Prerequisite: EPSY 640 and EPSY 641. Cross Listing: CPSY 688/EPSY 688.
EPSY 689 Special Topics in...
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Lecture Hours.
Selected topics in an identified area of educational psychology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
EPSY 690 Theory of Educational Psychology Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Theory and design of research problems and experiments in various subfields of educational psychology; communication of research proposals and results; evaluation of current research of faculty and students and review of current literature. May be repeated for credit.
EPSY 691 Research
Credits 1 to 23.
1 to 23 Other Hours.
Research for thesis or dissertation. Must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.