Environmental Hazard Management - Certificate

The graduate Certificate in Environmental Hazard Management (EHM) is an interdisciplinary program that provides students with an understanding of the interrelationship between the built, social, and natural environment and extreme events. The EHM Certificate – housed in the Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center in the College of Architecture – is open to students from any graduate degree program at Texas A&M University. This certificate is appropriate for graduate students who want to contribute to making communities more resilient to disasters and climate change.

The core courses provide a basic understanding of the entire range of issues related to environmental hazards, across mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and resilience. Specifically, these courses address basic theory, empirical research, and practical application related to both natural and technological hazards impacts and management. The courses also address the implications of disaster research for policy and planning at the household, organizational, community, regional, state, federal, and international levels.

Students who complete the certificate will be able to interpret risk and vulnerability information, identify priorities, and analyze elements of disasters and/or disaster management to generate innovative, appropriate responses to community challenges. Students who complete the certificate are prepared to work in the fields of planning, policy, disaster research, hazard planning, disaster relief and recovery programming, and emergency management.