BESL - Billingual ESL Education
BESL 610 Hispanic Bilingual Assessment and Monitoring Students
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Assessing language ability; language assessment; evaluating and scoring different types of assessments; guided field based experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 611 Dual Language Program Methodologies
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Use of theory and effective teaching practice in promoting students' development of strong social and academic skills; relationship of culture to language; guided field experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 612 Content Area Instruction for Hispanic Bilingual Programs
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Theories and approaches for integrating English as second language; learning strategies on how plan, procedures and units engage language teachers, students, and learning environment; guided filed experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 613 Spanish/English Biliteracy
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Social-linguistic characteristics of second language learners acquiring literacy skills; reading and literature instruction for second language learners; reading and writing process across the curriculum for Hispanic second language learners; guided field experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 614 Bilingual Education Curriculum Development
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Analysis of past and current trends in curriculum development in bilingual education; guided field experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 615 Teacher Action Research in Bilingual Education
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Philosophy of teacher action research in bilingual education settings using qualitative methods with educational issues related to English language learners; provide guided practice in data collection, analysis, and presentation of action research.
BESL 616 Spanish for Bilingual and Dual Language Programs
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Understanding of dual language programs; literacy instruction through Spanish: socio-linguistic perspectives on literacy competence and effective instructional practices; guided field experiences. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 617 Evaluation of Programs with Bilingual and Language Minority Students K-12
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Evaluation and research models and methodologies in education of bilingual/language minority students from K-12. Prerequisites: EPSY 610.
BESL 618 Early Language and Literacy
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Investigation of current language and literacy intervention research for young Hispanic/Latino children in preschool through second grade; emphasis on current intervention research targeting children at risk for reading difficulties in Spanish and/or English. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 619 Second Language Acquisition in Pre-K-12; Advanced Theory and Practice
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Examination of theory as a framework for explaining relationships, a research guide, and assumptions that inform practice; review how theory and practice for English only students have attempted to explain second language acquisition in second language learners. Prerequisites: Graduate classification.
BESL 620 Current Issues in Bilingual Education
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Survey of historical, political, language and sociocultural issues and their impact on the education of language minority groups. Prerequisites: EPSY 611 and EPSY 612; graduate classification.
BESL 621 Methods for Bilingual Research
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Understanding educational research and research methodologies; use of research findings to appropriately inform school and classroom practices; overview of the research methodology to develop skills as future researchers and consumers of research; examination of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and mixed methods in relation to their application to diverse populations. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 622 Teaching English as a Second Language
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Survey of the approaches, methods and techniques applicable to English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction; examination of various facets of the language classroom; examination of ESL instruction in various socio-political contexts. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 623 ESL for International and Intercultural Settings
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Presentation of psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and critical theories of English as an international and global language; pedagogical, political, economic and cultural issues related to English as an international or global language; examination of the application of theory to practice in teaching English in an international or intercultural context. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 624 Classroom Practice in Adult ESL
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Survey of the approaches, methods and techniques applicable to literacy practices for adult English as a Second Language (ESL) learners; examination of various facets of adult literacy assessment; examination of instructional practices and curriculum development for adult ESL learners. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 632 Research in Second Language Education
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Studies related to the teaching/learning process in two languages and field methods for carrying out those studies. Prerequisites: EPSY 611 and EPSY 612.
BESL 682 Seminar in...
Credit 1.
1 Other Hour.
Knowledge, skills and attitudes in bilingual education. Specific topics are announced for each seminar offered. May be taken more than once but not to exceed 6 hours of credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
BESL 683 Field Practicum in...
Credits 1 to 15.
1 to 15 Other Hours.
Supervised experience in professional employment settings in bilingual education with research related to current issues; requires a self-initiated proposal, a mid-semester formative report, and an end-of-semester summative report. May be repeated for credit up to 15 hours. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
BESL 684 Professional Internship
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Limited to advanced doctoral students; University directed experience in a professional employment setting; full-time participation and responsibility in experiences related to bilingual education. May be taken for credit up to nine hours. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
BESL 685 Directed Studies
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Directed individual study of selected problems. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
BESL 689 Special Topics In...
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Selected topics in an identified area of educational psychology. May be repeated for credit.
BESL 691 Research
Credits 1 to 23.
1 to 23 Other Hours.
Research for thesis or dissertation. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.