SPSY - School Psychology
SPSY 610 Child Psychopathology
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Major forms of psychopathology and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents; concepts of child psychological disorders; application of multiple theoretical models; understanding of the development context in which these orders exist. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 611 Introduction to School Psychology: Legal, Ethical and Credentialing Issues in School Psychology
Credit 1.
1 Lecture Hour.
History of professional psychology with emphasis on school psychology; legal, ethical and credentialing issues in psychology; scholarly writing; models of providing clinical child and special educational services. May be taken up to three times for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 612 Individual Assessment of Children’s Intelligence
Credits 4.
3 Lecture Hours.
2 Lab Hours.
Individual Assessment of Children's Intelligence. Educational and clinical applications of individual assessment; diagnostic measures of intelligence, achievement, language and perception; videotaping of student test administration is required for purposes of supervision and self-evaluation. Limited to 12 students per semester. Prerequisites: Graduate classification.
SPSY 613 Crisis Intervention in the Schools
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Fundamentals of school-based crisis intervention; emphasis on personal and situational crises, and the development and implementation of crisis intervention and prevention plans within the school setting; differing models of crisis intervention, models of coping with crisis and critical incidents, and the efficacy of crisis intervention. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 614 Integrated Assessment Practicum
Credits 3.
1 Lecture Hour.
6 Lab Hours.
Student test administration competencies and a minimum of 150 hours of supervised experience in administration, analysis and reporting of individual diagnostic instruments. Prerequisites: SPSY 612 and SPSY 617.
SPSY 615 Preschool Assessment
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Assessment of infants and young children (birth to 5 years of age); requires extension of the diagnostic skills gained in other coursework to applications for early intervention and child find with younger children; measures/methods will include norm-referenced, criterion referenced, and play-based/observational methods used in the assessment of infants and young children. Prerequisite: SPSY 612.
SPSY 617 Emotional Disturbance in Children
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Diagnostic procedures and techniques in personality assessment and identification of emotionally disturbed children and youth. Prerequisite: SPSY 610; SPSY 612; SPSY 642.
SPSY 620 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Prevention Science
Credit 1.
1 Lecture Hour.
Contemporary research programs that represent the interdisciplinary field of prevention science; strengths and limitations of diverse theoretical and conceptual bases of research in prevention science; application of research findings to issues related to the prevention of mental, emotional, and physical health problems and the promotion of well-being. May be taken 3 times for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and either admission to the interdisciplinary graduate certificate in prevention science program or approval of instructor. Cross Listing: COMM 671 and HLTH 671.
SPSY 627 Culturally Responsive Interventions: Models for Making Cultural Adaptations to Interventions
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Introduction to literature that demonstrates the need to adapt evidence-based interventions for use with culturally and linguistically diverse populations; different models for making cultural adaptations; identify ways to ensure fidelity and integrity of interventions even after cultural adaptations are made; adaptations for populations with diverse home culture, language, race, sexual orientation, developmental abilities or SES. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 628 Consultation: Theory and Techniques
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
History and theory of various models of consultation including mental health, behavioral and organizational development; skills and techniques necessary for effective consultation; relevant research issues. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 638 Systems Consultation and Prevention Science
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Theory, research and practice in prevention science with an emphasis on individuals from birth to age 21; understanding and application of theories and methods of prevention science. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 641 Child Therapy for School Behavior Problems
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Selected therapy approaches for treating childhood behavior disorders that interfere with children's interpersonal and intrapersonal adjustment and school learning; play therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapies; case studies; observation of therapy cases in public and/or mental health settings. Prerequisite: SPSY 610.
SPSY 642 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Overview of contemporary behavior theory and applied behavior analysis; overview of behavioral assessment strategies with an emphasis on the systematic observations of behavior and interviews; and contemporary behavior therapy approaches for use with educators, children, and their families. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 643 Academic Assessment and Intervention
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Developing effective and appropriate interventions for school-based academic concerns; collecting and interpreting data from informal academic assessments and observations for intervention development and evaluation; using curriculum-based assessments for monitoring student's academic programs and teacher decision making; understanding effective instructional strategies and their application to academic interventions. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 644 Child Therapy: Advanced Theory and Techniques
Credits 3.
3 Lecture Hours.
Supervised experiences in public and mental health settings in the application of psychotherapy techniques with children, adolescents and families; interviewing techniques; process of therapy; advanced theoretical foundations; case management. Prerequisite: SPSY 641.
SPSY 657 Bilingual Psychoeducational Assessment
Credits 4.
3 Lecture Hours.
2 Lab Hours.
Theory of second language acquisition; discrete point and descriptive approach to language assessment; achievement assessment; cognitive assessment and practical and cultural factors when assessing bilingual children. Prerequisite: SPSY 612.
SPSY 683 Field Experience/Externship in School Psychology
Credits 1 to 15.
1 to 15 Other Hours.
Faculty supervised experience in professional employment public and mental settings in school psychology. May be taken up to 30 hours. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
SPSY 684 Professional Internship
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Limited to advanced doctoral students; faculty supervised experience in approved professional employment settings. Applications for September assignments must be approved the previous October. May be repeated up to 9 hours. Must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Completion of required substantive coursework; approval of instructor.
SPSY 685 Directed Studies
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Other Hours.
Directed individual study of selected problems. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
SPSY 689 Special Topics in...
Credits 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Lecture Hours.
Selected topics in an identified area of school psychology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
SPSY 691 Research
Credits 1 to 23.
1 to 23 Other Hours.
Research for thesis or dissertation. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.