College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies

The College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies is housed on the Galveston campus of Texas A&M University. The newly organized college named in 2024 defines the interdisciplinary approach to academic programs that span business, transportation, engineering, sciences, and humanities relating to the oceans and coastal environments. The college is situated in a natural laboratory with direct access to the Galveston and Houston ports and shipping lanes, estuaries, coastline, and the Gulf of Mexico. The college serves as a critical contributor to Texas A&M’s land-, sea-, and space-grant mission.

The breadth of academic programs are intertwined to study the economic, social, political and ecological vitality of our oceans, coasts,  and surrounding ecosystems to improve our understanding, stewardship and sustainability of our coasts and ocean resources. We engage in scholarship and research that helps protect our coastal communities and conserve our marine life and oceans. We are discovering smart shipping and safe port solutions, and contributing to an inclusive ecosystem with improved livelihoods and future jobs. 

As Texas's premier marine and maritime public institution of higher education, we serve the state and nation by providing excellence in education and training for the next generation of marine and maritime professionals.