Transportation Planning - Certificate
The graduate Certificate in Transportation Planning is a multi-disciplinary program aimed at providing students with a substantive base of knowledge needed to be broadly successful in the transportation profession, as well as with specialized instruction tailored to building student skills and capabilities in four critical areas: Multimodal Systems Planning, Transportation & Urban Design, Transportation & Public Policy, and Transit Management. This program will be open to any graduate student at Texas A&M University with an interest in transportation. The certificate is housed in the Center for Housing & Urban Development in the College of Architecture and is developed as a partnership between the College of Architecture, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and the Bush School of Government and Public Service.
Students who complete the certificate will be able to identify planning needs and use specialized knowledge to solve transportation planning challenges. Completing the certificate provides students with the substantive base of knowledge needed to be broadly successful in the transportation profession as well as specialized knowledge in one of the four critical areas mentioned above.
This program was closed for new enrollments effective November 8, 2024 and inactivated on January 2, 2025. Students enrolled on November 8, 2024 will be allowed to complete the program contingent upon proper processes and approvals.