Cybersecurity Policy - Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Policy is a cross-disciplinary series of graduate courses open to students already enrolled in a Texas A&M graduate degree program.  It provides students with the core concepts, tools and skills for sound cybersecurity policy development, preparing them for public and private sector careers developing cybersecurity policy for organizations.  It is a four-course graduate certificate, consisting of courses selected from a list of relevant courses offered at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, the College of Engineering and the Mays Business School. 

An individual who successfully completes the certificate program will be awarded a certificate by Texas A&M University and the Bush School. Grades for courses taken as part of this program will appear on the official transcript, together with notation that the certificate has been achieved.

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This program was closed for new enrollments effective November 8, 2024 and inactivated on January 2, 2025. Students enrolled on November 8, 2024 will be allowed to complete the program contingent upon proper processes and approvals.