University Studies - BS, Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration
This area of concentration is purposefully designed to require that students complete an individualized body of coursework that educates them in interdisciplinary knowledge. Four inquiry-rich, research-based courses; an introduction to each discipline; and one a capstone senior seminar provide students with introductory and concluding courses in the methodologies appropriate to to interdisciplinary studies in the Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration. Other courses in the core are drawn from areas such as Africana Studies, Latino/a and Mexican-American Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies.
The BS degree differs from the BA in being more focused on problem solving and analysis of data in examining major social and cultural issues. The BS degree therefore requires more courses in science and encourages statistics and mathematics, as opposed to the foreign language requirement of the BA version of the degree.
In the addition to a core of courses focused on race and ethnicity and gender, each student must complete two minors for the degree.
A student enrolled in the University Studies concentration of Race, Gender, Ethnicity may not pursue a double major or a double degree.